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Saturday, January 2, 2021

When Setting Your 2021 Sales Goals Ask Yourself and Team These 3 Powerful Questions






Here we stand, peering around the corner at the new year ahead. In 2020 goals, aspirations, and life were turned upside down. It was a year unlike any other.
Looking back at 2020 we all experienced sorrow and suffering. We all have regrets for things that we did and things we left undone; for time that was squandered; for opportunities lost.
Likewise we all have accomplishments, positive changes, and progress to be celebrated. Many of us rediscovered the meaning of life and what is truly important.
Now, we have a chance to start anew with a clean slate and new hope. It is an opportunity to reset and plan new goals. This begins and ends with answering the three questions that matter most:
What do you want?
• How do you plan to get what you want?
• How bad do you want it?

Frankly, it is about honesty. Set goals. Not empty resolutions. Not fleeting wishes and hopes. Real goals that mean something for your career and life. It is about being true to yourself.
Start with defining what you want, building a plan, and writing it down.
Most people won’t and don’t because defining what you want – articulating where you will be at the end of next year – is difficult. It requires you to think. It requires you to take risk. It requires you to be accountable to the only person in your life to whom you are really accountable – YOU.
Yogi Berra once quipped that “If you don’t know where you are going you might end up someplace else.”

Here is a brutal truth: If you don’t have a plan, you will become a part of someone else’s plan. You can either take control of your life or allow someone else to control you to enhance their life. It’s your choice.
So start here. Define what you want and write it down. This means gathering up the discipline to stop what you are doing, sit down, and actually think about your future.
Desire is the singularity of all achievement. Desire is the only thing that trumps procrastination. It why the most important question in any endeavor is “How bad do you want it?”
Success is paid for in advance with hard work and sacrifice. More often than not, getting what you want is more about what you are willing to give up rather than what you are willing to do.
Success is governed by the Law of Congruence. What you want and what you are willing to do to get what you want must be equal or congruent.
Goals and plans don’t matter if you don’t have the desire and unwavering will to achieve them. This is why New Year Resolutions are almost never met. They are wishes born in hope and carried away on the wind as soon as the tiniest hint of adversity is met.
Picture yourself at the end of next year. Where will you be? Will you be happy, content, and satisfied with your accomplishments or be left sitting on a big pile of should-have-dones and regret for the year you wasted?
The good news is your future has not been written. It is completely within your control. Take a moment today to answer these three critical questions and build your sales plan for the new year.


All the success,

Peter C. Mclees, Principal
Mobile: 323-854-1713

We help sales reps and sales organizations accelerate their sales.


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