A Big MAC (donald’s) Life Lesson from Founder Ray Croc
Thousands cover the landscape from New York to California , from London to Tokyo . It doesn't matter how young or old you are, chances are good that you've walked into one, most likely more than once. And regardless of what you think about its image and impact, no one can argue that McDonalds isn't a mega success in the world of business.
The point of this McDonalds's story isn't about what they serve over the counter each day, nor does it have anything to do with the debate over where these restaurants should and should not be located. No, this story is different.
It's one of dreams and inspiration. And the leading role is played by its legendary fountainhead, Ray Kroc.
With the World Series getting underway soon and the Olympics right around the corner, we are constantly reminded that greatness often begins at an early age. We hear of children becoming athletes only years after they learn how to walk, about young stars working decades to reach the pinnacle of their sport.
This theme, success being achieved by those who started at an early age, is found in much more than sport.
Busting the Myth
Entrepreneurs like Bill Gates of Microsoft and Phil Knight of Nike, both beginning their drive toward success at an early age, lead us to believe that all success follows this path.
And if success in life requires an early start, millions around the world have already missed their chance. But then a man named Ray Kroc comes along and gives us hope. He gives us proof that an early start isn't as important as a deep desire to make the most of our lives.
When most people believe their life is winding down and heading for retirement, Kroc was just beginning to create one of the most successful businesses in history.
To begin working toward his dream at twenty years of age would be quite amazing given the size and success of his company at the time of his passing. Thirty or forty years old would be almost ridiculous.
So how old was Ray Kroc when he took the first step toward growing McDonald's into a worldwide phenomenon?
Even now I can't believe it. But it's true, and it gives hope to every single person out there who feels that their time has passed. As long as you're alive and breathing, your time will never pass.
But the history of Ray Kroc and his decision to achieve a dream late in life is about much more than age. It's about a lesson we all must learn if we are to be truly happy and successful.
What's the Real Lesson?
What I want to do with this post more than anything else is to get one point across: you must take all that you are at this moment and make the most of it.
Excuses about age, time, money, economy, and every other item we throw into the mix to help us feel better about putting our dreams on hold will end up killing our hopes for a happy and fulfilling life.
Ray Kroc teaches us that age is never an issue when it comes to getting what you really want in life. Use his story to inspire action if you are at an age when you felt that your time had passed. But this is only one example. If you look hard enough you will find a story like Kroc's that shatters every excuse we hide behind. People from every walk of life, facing extraordinary odds, have achieved great things and created truly amazing lives. Proof that you can do it as well.
Before I get to the heart of today's point we want to mention one of the most important aspects of goals. What if you don't know what you want? Few situations in life are as confusing and frustrating as wanting a happier, more successful life but not knowing how to make it happen.
More people than you think have trouble in this area, and it's because the majority of us have never been given the tools to uncover our true goals. There are specific steps you can take that will bring to light the goals that will give you everything you want and more.
An Exercise to Inspire Success
It's time to take what we have learned and put it to use. If you're human, you probably have a few excuses that you tell yourself about why you can't do something about your goals today. Perhaps the time isn't right or the time has already passed. Maybe the money isn't there or the people around you just won't support your plan. Whatever it is, we want you to make a short list of the most powerful excuses you tell yourself.
When you have them, we want you to do something a little different than usual. Instead of writing down all of the reasons why your excuses aren't true, we want you to act as if you're giving advice to a friend who has told you about his or her goal but ends it with the excuses you use for putting off following through. Think about it. What would you tell your best friend if he or she came to you and said...'I really want to (goal), but I can't because (excuse).'What would you say to change their mind? What would you say to motivate them past their excuses and onto success?
When you know what you would say to them, say it to yourself and follow through.
How Much Do You Want It?
The reason for this role reversal is simply that we are great at giving advice but rarely as good at taking it ourselves. By changing the roles you can get your best advice out of your head and hard to work for you and your future.
When it comes down to it, you've got to ask yourself how much you want to change your life, how much you really want to achieve your goals. If they are worth it, which we know they are, put an end to the excuses and follow Ray's lead.
Accept the facts of your situation and move ahead with an unwavering confidence. You may not end up selling billions of hamburgers to millions of people around the world, but you will do something much more important -you will live your best life.
Ray Kroc could have used his age as an excuse to pass by the opportunity that brought him unimaginable success. He could have shrugged his shoulders and lowered his head in defeat.
Instead, he grabbed life by the horns and plowed full speed ahead toward the dream he was unwilling to pass by.
To your greater success,
Peter Mclees, LMFT
P. S. Smart Development Inc. has an exceptional track record helping restaurants, stores, branches, distribution centers, food production facilities, and other businesses create a strong culture, leadership bench strength and the teamwork necessary for growth. Having worked with several companies throughout their growth cycle, we have valuable insights and strategies that would help any late stage startup, small or medium sized company achieve sustained growth and prosperity.
P. S. Smart Development Inc. has an exceptional track record helping restaurants, stores, branches, distribution centers, food production facilities, and other businesses create a strong culture, leadership bench strength and the teamwork necessary for growth. Having worked with several companies throughout their growth cycle, we have valuable insights and strategies that would help any late stage startup, small or medium sized company achieve sustained growth and prosperity.